Business Vision & Goals

Vision and goals/objectives of the company are a guide and benchmark for all areas of the canvas4change Do you have a clear …

Improvement Vision & Goals

Vision and goals specifically for change/improvement and its implementation Do you have a clear reason for the change? Have you defined the …


Strategic plans and procedures provide direction and form the bridge between the goals, status quo, and prerequisites Does the improvement strategy consider …


Operational implementation always needs to be in balance with observation, learning and adjustment Is the implementation aligned towards flexibility and transparency? Does …


Independent and varying methods for observing organizational preconditions and the implementation of change. Is independent monitoring established to track progress and to …


Learning from actual observations in comparison to the visions and goals Have learning objectives and priorities been defined at the different organizational …


Adjust and change to move towards achieving the goals/objectives and vision Are adjustments made based on the improvement objectives and the behavior …


Company and employee culture reflected, for instance, in communication transparency, error handling, or in dealing with change Are core-company values defined and …


Support of the change program and its implementation by all parts and levels of the organization Are the organization’s expectations clearly expressed …